Apple Watch ID App


The Apple Watch ID App is an alternative to using the Member ID App to enter our facilities. 

You can download Apple Watch ID App (Club Lime or hiit republic) by clicking on the icons below:

mceclip0.png   mceclip1.png

You can use either app to enter Club Lime or hiit republic facilities. The app will determine what facilities you have access to. 

Once you have installed the Apple Watch ID App, you need to sync the watch to your membership. Open the Member ID App on your phone or device, click on the Settings cog in the top right hand corner, and select Get code for Apple Watch. Open the Apple Watch ID App, enter the code. 

You will now be able to locate the Club Lime or hiit republic facilities on your watch, when in proximity of the club. 

If the app is not installing from your phone to your watch then the best is to load the App store from your watch and search for the app and install it directly from the watch.

If your watch does not have an App store option, it normally means you are not running the latest Watch operating system (ie: WatchOS 6 or greater). 

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